Tuesday, December 28, 2004




Monday, December 27, 2004




Sunday, December 26, 2004

A conversation between amy and mom

Amy has always been refusing to call me mom or mama or anything. Ever since she talks, she'd only call her daddy. But last thursday when i picked her up from the day care, somehow alma persuaded her to call me mommy. To me, that sweet "mommy" the most wonderful sound i've ever heard. Of course i'd try to make her call me more often. Here is how it went:

Me: Call me mommy
Amy:...( shake her head)
Me: Call me mommy
Amy: BaBa
Me: Come on, i know you can, call me mommy
Me:Please please call me mommy
Amy: Stop it.
Me: !@#$%^&*()

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Today is amy's 3rd day of a bad diarrhea. I gave her some leftover tofu monday night. I guess i didn't microwave it long enough. I am such a bad mom. Leftover for amy's dinner... even bad leftover... sigh.
Yesterday we kept her home and only gave her BRAT. (my parents have some serious doubt on the use of banana to treat diarreha. but they are kind enough not to interfere.) It got a little better in the afternoon. Her bowel movement was not that watery. This morning amy insisted on going to day care herself. so we took her there. She was soooooo happy. But around noon when i called the day care, they told me she had another diarrhea.
Hope she'll get better.

Friday, December 17, 2004

First Accident

Amy had her first accident this Wednesday night.

It all started with her canine. Just like the ped predicted, she has a canine coming out, which makes her constantly fuzzy. She'd try to bite her little friends whoever's trying to hug her and stuff... Of course dinner time wouldn't be her favorite time. That night she's paticularly acting out, throwing food away and hitting on me. We got really mad at each other. I insisted she should finish her dinner, while she just wouldn't. My parents and her daddy finally talked me out of it. However, she's not that easy to cheer up. The minute i took her out of high chair, she started throwing an tantrum.
It all happened really fast, the first minute she's arching her back, the next she's trying to reach a bowl of hot soup on her tiptoe. Before any of us noticed, she poured a bowl of hot soup on her neck and chest.
I still don't want to think about what exactly happened and how i exactly felt. Any way we took her to the emergency room. Thank god it's not very serious. She had a little bit blister on her neck and that's about the worst part. After the doctor applied a special kind of cream on her, she stopped crying and started playing with us.
Yesterday we kept her home to keep an eye on her. She's not really happy about the decision, though. Since 8am she sitted in front of the door and waited for me to put on her shoes. When we changed her bandage at night, she cried a little bit. And her wound seems healed up.


15 Month Check up (12/09/2004)

Weight: 24lb 14.5oz 70%
Height: 32 1/4 inch 75%

She was pretty fuzzy during the whole visit, crying non-stop. The ped said she has a canine coming out, maybe that's the reason.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Amy's really ticklish, especially under her chin. The minute you put your finger there, she'd try to avoid this by tilting her head down a little and at the same time burst into a huge laugh, with her eyes squinted a little and her nose wrinkled. I just love that impression and keep playing this with her when i get a chance.
Yesterday she herself realized this is a fun game. That's when i was having dinner and put her in her high chair right next to me. She kept grabbing my hands. At first i didn't really know what she wanted. So i just passed her my spoon. She threw it away and pulled my hand really hard towards her chin. While she's doing that, she kept checking out my reaction and couldn't help laughing herself. She even said "stop it" at the same time. Yet she's pulling my hand towards her......It took me double the usual time to finish my dinner. But it sure worth it.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Biter girl

Alma told me amy almost bited other kids yesterday. She was really surprised by her aggressive behavior. According to amy's dad, it's in my gene :( . So he's not totally shocked. Well... I AM!

Normally when other kids take amy's toys, she'd just grab it back. She's the biggest one, size-wise, after all. But yesterday, she tried to bite the "offender", and screamed bloody murder for a long time. I used to think amy as a defensive kid, who can protect herself just fine. Now she's crossed line into an aggressive kid. SIGH... i totally blame it on my sister. It's her bad influnce. :P. My parents are coming next week. Can't imagine what kinda disaster that'll be...

Monday, December 06, 2004

First sentence

Elizabeth, STOP IT!
well... it's more like "lid, 'doby!". Last Friday, when liz tried to clean her nose, that's what amy said. i guess a push-over like me really can raise a high-maintenance girl.

Today, she even got jealous when i kissed Davin. When i dropped her off, she wouldn't give me a kiss, kept saying nono. While Davin walked directly towards me and asked for a kiss. So i kissed her. Amy started to whine immediately. She even got upset when Davin said byebye to me. I didn't even look at Davin. But still, amy took it as if Davin's closer to me. The sight of Polly, "breakfast teacher", finally cheered her up.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Back to normal

My sister left the day before yesterday. Amy tried to find her suitcase yesterday morning. Not really disappointed when she found everything's gone, though. I guess she knew her auntie's presence is just temporary all along. I really believe babies are smarter than we thought they are now.

She picked up a lot of new words when my sister was here, bread in chinese, hat in chinese, auntie in chinese etc. My sister also was patient enough to play "put on the lid" with her. If amy's not too anxious and i help hold the bottle, she now can put the lid on herself.

She sure understands us a whole lot better, too. The other day before we left the apartment, I tried to put a hat on her. She hates hat ever since she can move stuff by her teeny tiny hands. Every day putting on hat is a battle between us. Without too much expectation, i told her, it's really cold out, if you don't put on the hat, we don't leave the apartment. Surprisingly, she looked at me for a couple of seconds and then just gave up the fight. However, the minute we got into the car, she started to pull her hat really hard. I thought reasoning worked earlier, why not try again. So i said, it's still cold, amy, let's wait till the car warms up, ok? Again, surprisingly, she lowered her hands and started play with herself. Later on, when the car warmed up, she took her hat off when i told her so. It was like having a conversation/instructional talk with an adult. I guess we'll have to watch what we say in front of her now. :D

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Can't kiss me without permission!

Every morning when i take amy into the day care, one of the directors would ask for a kiss from her. Ninty-nine percent of the time amy would shake her head and say "no no". It's like a little routine laugh for both me and the director.
This morning the director decided to take some any way. So instead of asking amy, she sneaked up on her and kissed her on the face really hard. Amy suddenly burst into this huge cry, as if saying "you can't kiss me without asking!". Plus, i put this new jacket on her today, she looked like a teddy bear. A grumpy fuzzy crying teddy bear.Everyone passing the hallway had a really good laugh over this.

loves auntie

This week my sister's coming over for a visit. Before she came, i was really worried that amy's not gonna play with her, or, even worse, cried every time she sees her. Mommy, daddy and day care teachers are all the adults she knows, after all.
To my surprise, amy loves her very much. Quote my husband, "she can sense who's close relative." The minute she saw my sister, she gave her a gentle smile. They started play together like crazy only 5 minutes after my sister got in the house.
Yesterday, amy even started to get jealous when my sister played with davin in the day care. This morning, she got up before her auntie did. So she just squated down quietly in front of my sister's door, waiting for her to come out to play with her.
I am soooooooooo happy to see they love each other.
Now i am not as worried as before that amy won't play with my parents when they get here.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Word count



thank you
bye bye


Thursday, November 18, 2004


我有把子力气。这可以追溯到很早。比如说换煤气罐。比如说大学里我打四壶八磅的水。上山下乡到了美国,登峰造极,甚至名扬我们小TOWN。话说有一回,帮我ROOMIE去买家具。共两女三男。DEFAULT认为干活的有一女三男。我和胖男一组,两瘦男一组。人家一开始蛮照顾我,说,哎,你们一组抬床垫,轻,我们一组抬写字台,你慢着点儿啊。殊不知抬完这一趟回来,瘦男甲就改了主意,斜次里奔我杀过来,哎我说,不行不行这样不行,还有一个QUEEN SIZE BOX,这个瘦男乙他不行啊,换咱俩一组去吧?我受了表扬,欢欣鼓舞,这半天儿好好儿的卖了卖块儿。
我们家AMY好的她不学,妈妈我冰雪聪明伶牙俐齿她一样儿也没有延承衣钵,到了体格儿健壮这儿,她倒是没拉下。刚刚会走路的时候,步履蹒跚,也要摸到壁橱那里,踮着脚尖够到最大包的DIAPER,帮当一声拨拉到地上,哼呦咳呦的拖到遥远的卧室去,备战备荒那么个意思。走好了更加不得了,到了商场都要帮人家重组货架。妈妈一眼没看住,就摸到最大桶的CONDITIONER,抱起来撒腿就跑。实在是太重了,跑两步蹲下歇一歇,为了防备妈妈来破坏,蹲着都死死的抱着大大一瓶。转眼的功夫就给人家把CONDITIONER拖到鸡汤区,要求这两个配对。上个星期妈妈去DAY CARE接她,在门外偷瞧。但见得这个好汉,袖子挽得老高,脑门儿冒着细汗,推着个塑料大房子就走,完全不顾大房子里面还站着无辜的SEAN。问阿姨,阿姨见怪不怪,说,oh... she's been at it for a couple of hours, rearranging furniture is her business。阿姨们又不知道我们家族的光荣历史,微笑祝贺说,嗯,将来啊,AMY是个DECORATOR。妈妈心里知道,DECORATE个头啊,她,MOVER嘀干活。我们母女两个,搬家公司,都不用再雇老墨了。

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Very polite

Amy has been saying "thank you" to everyone for almost a month now. Not exactly "thank you". Dahdu is more like it. Like when she asks for milk, she'd say "dahdu" after we give the cup to her. Even when she's really hungry, she'd rush a "dahdu" before putting the straw in her mouth.

The day care teachers told me that she also kept saying it when they tried to teach sean to speak. They were like, "sean, say thank you". And amy'd say"dahdu" immediately, even when she's really busy with her "funiture re-arranging" business.

Her vocabulary has been growing quite rapidly recently. Bye, beans in chinese, potato in chinese, even stinky in chinese, are among the new additions... Yesterday when i picked her up, i almost knocked over another daddy by the swing door. After i said "sorry", she even managed to say a "sowee". Very polite indeed.

Monday, November 15, 2004



到我家AMY了,基因上面又是她爸比较强大。吃面条,她爸爱吃宽的或者粗的。本来我一直给AMY吃龙须面的,星期六我们俩剩了口粗面条,懒得给她做饭了(我接受批评,穿也不给家穿好,吃也只是剩的。。。),捡了两根儿给她吃,扔给她的时候,说,吃面面吧。星期天早上,一睁眼睛,人家就高呼,面面!面面!扔了奶瓶,要攀高椅,从CEREAL BAR到WAFFLE到PAN CAKE。。。什么都不吃,就是要面面。时间紧迫,在她拍桌子示威的压力下,我匆忙的下了一把龙须面,图个熟的快。人家不要,胡噜胡噜都抹到头发上,好像假发一般。终於作了她想要的面面,欢呼3秒钟示意。

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Amy now knows different shapes.

My mom bought her this book when she was really little. It has a big picture of a type of shape on one page, and then a small picture of the same shape on the other page, hidden among other things. We used to "read" this book to her every day, told her "see? this is a square, this is a square, too".
Yesterday, i pointed at the big square, and then asked her to pick out the small square on the other page, she did it! she can also tell triangle, round and oval. But if it's too complicated, like a star, she can't. she'd point at some other small pictures which interest her, like a hipo. :)


AMY今天早上死命攥着一块大饼干进了DAY CARE 的门.从此就被SEAN盯上了.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Crazy busy recently

My parents are gonna come this coming december. so i am trying to get more work done. haven't got time to keep recording amy's growing up.

She didn't learn much recently, execpt now she can say NO NO while she's shaking her head. She does that all the time. When i dropped her off at the day care and asked for a bye-bye-kiss, she'd say nono. When i ask her to finish her dinner, she'd say nono. Or, when she's doing something she's not supposed to do, she'd say nono while she's doing that.

Her daddy said she can say cat in chinese, now... i didn't notice, though... Sigh... bad mommy ah.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Bossy Girl

I guess all girls are bossy. Amy is one of the proofs. She likes to make us do this and that . Like when she can't put the stackers back onto the pole, she'd demand us to do it for her. Or, when she wants some crackers, she won't quit till we give it to her. I didn't think all these as "bossy" until i saw her in day care. The other day when i picked her up from the day care, she was playing with Davin. And i saw her point at davin and say "Davin! Come! Come!" at the same time. That's when i realized she's one bossy little girl. Well, i was, too, when i was little. So i guess i've nothing to complain.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Play with Crayon

About 10 days ago, Liz told me they draw/paint in the day care. I was really surprised that they can play such complicated games at this age. So i bought some crayons home to play with amy. She just loves it! Of course she'd try to lick the crayon everytime i gave it to her. But once she started to draw her little lines, she just forgets all about the urge to taste. She can sit there filp the deck of paper i give her and draw or dot little things on it for 10-20 minutes without any complaints. Sometime if i praise her, she'd have this really proud and shy impression on her, which makes me just want to "bite" her little face...
I just love her day care. Sure, she got virus from time to time, and maybe they don't hold her as often as i would at home (she is just toooooo heavy. :p). But they teach her all these things that i couldn't think of. That little brain surprises me every day. And most of them are because of the day care.

Also, after about 1 week's patient observing, today amy tried to play with her stacker for the first time and she actually succeed in putting the rings back there!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Yesterday i took amy to my office after day care. Normally she's really friendly, waving at everybody who's passing by. But not yesterday. Everytime i told her say hi to my collegues, she'd shake her head. It's like "i will say hi when i want to. i wont say it just cuz you ask me even if i want to myself." I really didn't know kids are gonna be like this so soon. I thought it's for teenagers.

Then during the night she woke up by this cough and refused to sleep. Everytime i told her "night night" she'd shake her head again and again, even if she's so sleepy that she can't open her eyes. We fought like this till 3 am this morning. Towards the end i got really mad at her and yelled a little. Of course i felt sorry and bad for that. But i just couldn't help. I comforted myself by saying that every parents do that once in a while. But still... especially this morning on our way to day care, amy yelled a little, too. I can't tell what she's saying but i know she learnt that from me. Sigh.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Strong personality

This morning when i dropped amy off at the day care, Alma and Nareen told me she has been a little bit 'out of control' recently. I actually have noticed that at home, too.

The key "symptom" is that she has to be the one who decides everything. Like when i give her a cup of water, she'd shake her head vigorously. And then no more than 5 seconds later, she'd ask for one. When i finally give it her on her demand, she'd have this impression, like "i say when!", on her. She does that to everything.
In addition to that, we can't push her into doing anything. The more we push, the more she fights. They have this music lesson every Thursday. Amy loves it a lot. She'd sit there very quietly and smile, or dance a little. But she'd never touch anything the teacher put there. They tried to make her play the drums or other instrument. Everytime it ended with her scream. Actually she started to do that even when she's really little, like 4 or 5 months. Everytime when i tried to hold her hand to touch something, she'd fight really hard.

I talked about it with Alma and Nareen for a while. And the conclusion we reached is that Amy's like her daddy, has a strong personality.
Not long ago i was afraid she might become a push-over like me. Now that i found out she has a strong personality, i am still worried!
sigh, I am such a typical mom!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Confused bi-lingual kid

Now amy knows 7 words, some english, some chinese (light in Chinese, ah-oh, pooh, birdie, calculator in chinese, milk in chinese, and cracker in chinese). I know she'd face the bi-lingual confusing situation sooner or later. But i didn't expect it would happen so soon. About 1-2 weeks ago, amy learnt how to say milk in Chinese when she's hungry. For some reason she likes to say it twice at the same time. I've got used to it pretty quick and thought it's really cute. What i didn't realize, though, is that if you repeat milk in Chinese twice, it sounds exactly the same as "night-night". The other day when i was chatting with Nareen, i told her amy can say this and that... Out of curiosity, she asked me how to say milk in Chinese. After i told her, she thought for a second, and said, "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so that's why she kept saying night night these days". All of them burst into this huge laugh. It turned out amy has been saying it in the day care for quite some time. And everytime she says it, they take it as "night-night", and thought she wanted to take a nap. So they put her into her crib instead. My poor amy, starving in her crib... :p.

To be frank, i am rather amused than worried. I guess i am really bad in term of protecting amy and stuff... I just have confidence in her. She'll figure it out sooner than later.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Go on her regular diet recently

Amy has this regular dieting period. She just decides she doesn't want to eat anything from time to time. One of the reasons i guess is that i am not that good a cook. Another thing is that she is picky, both on flavor and on texture. Babies are so sensitive to things that it amazes me. I'd make exactly the same thing for her. Even if i put in just a touch more salt, she'd refuse to eat it. She also is lazy and very reluctant to chew on things. If the texture is a tiny bit too hard, she'd spit it out.

After the cold, the diaper rash, now the picky diet. She is really driving me nuts from last weekend. Maybe today i'll take her to the playground to have some fun.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Lazy girl

Amy now has passed the phase during which she's really interested in walking. She's become this lazy girl. Everytime we went out, after we got to downstairs, she'd walk directly to her stroller and wait there. Even when we got to the trail outside our apartment complex, she refused to walk by herself, just sitting in her stroller very comfyly and contended. The only thing that can make her stand up is the ants. So i have to cheat her by yelling "ants" even there is not any to get out of the stroller. Fortunately when she gets out of stroller, she's easily distracted. So hoefully she won't feel betrayed.

Monday, October 18, 2004

A little cold again

Amy's waking up last week was actually for a reason. I falsely accused her of being bad.... Not a good mother. She got this cold and passed it to both me and my husband. It's really painful at the beginning of this cold. We appear to be ok. But actually our throat is killing us. So i guess amy suffered the same uncomfortableness last week. No wonder she kept waking up during the night.
Now her cold is getting better and she sleeps much better.

This morning she tried to say "Daven" and "Thank you". Of course not very clear. I guess only me and her daddy can understand her. Now she's at a stage that she likes to repeat everything we say. But she can only pronounce "b" and "d" well... so her vacabulary is quite limited.

After a weekend, this morning at day care she was extremely happy. Me, too. :p.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


I guess amy just had too much fun at day care that she doesn't want to be left alone any more. Yesterday night around midnight she woke up for no reason at all, AGAIN! This time i learnt my lesson. I didn't cave and go to check her at all. It's just during the whole 1.5 hours that she's fuzzing around, i became really furious about her, about myself, about the situation... She did fall in sleep by herself eventually. But i found out she had bad diaper rash this morning. She had a bowel movement during that awake hour. Now i am really not sure if i will go in next time she does this. Sigh...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Alma said Amy's smart

But what i sensed is that she's the geek in the group... Here's the story. Alma taught all the babies some sign language, like thank you, i love you... which i don't even know. Yesterday she showed them "more". During lunch, amy kept doing that. The other girls are looking at her, like she's a weirdo or show-off or something. This totally reminds me of my primary school time. Some time i'd even make some mistakes intentionally in the exam, just to be more like others. I guess that's my problem.

I can use a straw cup now - 09/25/2004 Posted by Hello

She did it again!!!!!!!!! But, NOT a bad girl.

Just when i thought i'd have a good night of sleep, Amy did it again! And this time it's not even my fault. This morning 4am, she woke up for no reason at all,kept whining and whining... The other day i swore i will never "interfere"with her sleeping pattern again, NEVER. So today i just lied there, hoping she'd fall into sleep by herself. But she just wouldn't stop. I gave up again mainly because she sometimes has her chubby legs stuck in those crib bars. I had to check. So there i was, 4:20am in the morning, tiptoed to her room, opened her door without a sound (i swear, no sound at all.) . What i found is that she was just sitting there, looking at the door, and of course she spotted me in no time... Long story short, we went over everything in the other night, AGAIN!

Later when i dropped her off at the day care, i couldn't help complaining about this to naureen. I said, amy was really bad this morning. Naureen corrected me immediately. She said, no baby is bad. Liz said the same thing before to me. I felt so sorry at that point of time. I really shouldn't say this in front of Amy. Right now she still doesn't really know. When i said the B-word, she's happily chewing on her animal cracker. But I am sure sooner than i know, she'd be really hurt by my unintentional words. I have to watch out for that more carefully. HAVE TO!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Loves shopping

Amy loves shopping. I guess girls are born this way. She especially like colorful display, like a santa clause, a painting, a bright-colored-bowl, or, even a salad tray with tomatoes and celery. For us, it's a pain, though. She keeps messing with all the merchandise that she can reach, dragging a huge bottle of conditioners across the aisle, banging a spoon on the floor, or licking some boxes. But since she enjoys it, i try to take her with me to do grocery shopping as much as i can, if time and my energy allows, that is.

Yesterday i took her to the sam's. She didn't give me too much trouble. Mostly because she's paying all her attention to this other family. It's an indian family with 2 girls around 8 or 9 and a smaller boy around 5 or 6. Amy keeps following them around whenever i took her out of the shopping cart. She'd wave at them and dance for them. The sisters liked her a lot. The little guy is another story, though. The mom noticed amy and "offered" to take her home. Amy didn't mind at all. She was happily holding one of the sisters' home, pretending i don't exist at all. The little guy suddenly screamed, "no!!!!!!!!!! our house can only hold us!!!!!!!" :)

Monday, October 11, 2004


Amy tortured us yesterday night. Maybe i shouldn't complain too much since she's such a good girl that this "torture" only happens once in a while. But still, i am like a walking zombie right now. So i need to complain! Plus, when Amy grows up, i will show this post to her when we have the "sex" talk so that she'll know the consequence is bad bad bad bad... :p

Around midnight, i went into her room to check if she's warm enough. I was really careful that i swear i didn't make any noise. But somehow she still sensed i was there and woke up. That's when she decided to play with me. At first i just fled the room and let her cry. But she wouldn't give up that easily and cried for like 40 minutes. I gave up, stepped in, hugged her, rocked her, put her back to the crib... I don't know at which point during this process, but suddenly she became wild awake, started to smile at me, poke me, and even laugh out loud. I tried everything, from pretending this is the 8pm and going through the bed-time-ritual to just giving up and playing with her... Nothing worked. She became more and more awake. But at the same time she was really sleepy, kept rubbing her eyes...In the end, around 3pm, i got really mad and just left her in the crib. She cried furiously for about 15 minutes and went to sleep. At that point, i was so tired i didn't even check if she's warm enough...

Now that i told the whole story, somehow i felt i was the bad one. I was the one who woke her up, the one who cursed that i'd sell her on ebay, and the one who didn't care if she's warm enough... Sigh, how did it turn out this way? Maybe i won't show this post to Amy after all...

Friday, October 08, 2004


Yesterday Naureen, one of the teachers at the day care, told me Avory is gonna go to the young toddler room pretty soon. She said then i won't meet my favorite baby for a while. I told her i have a second-favorite, Daven. Turned out Daven is Naureen's favorite. Then Naureen told me Amy's her sweetheart, too. I know she probably just said that cuz i am there. But still, that makes me happy. Mommies are pretty vein, i'd say... But i wouldn't mind being vein...

Then in the afternoon when i picked Amy up, there's this little tiny baby taking his bottle. I stepped over and played with his chubby feet for a while. Amy didn't mind at all. I was a little surprised. The other day i was trying to hold her and Avory at the same time. Amy got really mad. She was pushing Avory away pretty hard all the time. I thought she'd get jealous when i showed affection to that little baby. But she didn't. Alma told me she's really sweet with all the tiny ones. She'd go over, petting them very gently (thank God not like she pets the bugs...), and smiling. I'd say she's a sweetheart, too!

Very easy to be satisfied

Everyday when i pick Amy up from day care, she's very hungry. So i always give her some snack on the way back. She's quite a messy eater. So there's crumb everywhere in the car, especially on her car seat.
This morning on our way to the day care, she managed to pick up some crumbs and stuffed them all in her mouth. After swallowed those days-old crumbs down, she made this yummy noise and laughed out loud. I couldn't help laugh with her. She's so easy to be satisfied. Life is so much better when you are little.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Birdie! Posted by Hello

A little geek

Believe or not, Amy's 5th word (except daddy and mommy) is calculator in Chinese. I was always hoping she'd grow up like a princess, into art and beautiful stuff.... Now i see the chance of that is getting slimmer and slimmer.
My mom bought her this book. It's like a deck of flash cards with pictures in it, all kinds of pictures, veggies, fruits, animals, flowers, kitchen appliance, office supply etc. Her favorite page is a calculator. Even when she won't take her food, as soon as i show her that page, she'd be happy to take whatever i give her. Calculator in Chinese has three characters, it's kind of hard to pronounciate. But she manage to say that. Of course i don't think anyone else can tell what she's saying. It's clear enough to me, though. Yesterday after she pointed at the page and said it herself. I gave her a real calculator. And she said it, too.
Books, keyboards, pens, now calculators...... Poor amy is gonna grow up like me, a geek. >_<

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Playground is tooooooooooooooo far away. Posted by Hello


Amy loves bugs, especially ants. Everytime we went out, she'd spend some time watching ants. If we are lucky,there are a lot of them, she'd scream her joy. She always trys to use her finger to follow the ant. As a result, she had accidentally killed a dozen of them. Now she became much more violant. Yesterday she used my keys to bang on the bugs. The "crime scene" is so bloody i have to take her away. :p. I did tell her that we should love living creatures by patting them. Didn't know if she heard me, though.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Chasing around

Yesterday after dinner i took amy to the trail outside our apartment complex. We watched some ants and bugs for a while, pointed at birdies, said hi to all the doggies...... We also played chasing around.
Everytime i chased her, she'd try run away, even after she fell down, she'd get up herself and run. We both laughed silly for a long time. Later on i got tired. So i just sat there and said "mommy's gonna get you~", she still laughed silly and run around all by herself. That was some QUALITY TIME together. :D

Monday, October 04, 2004


Amy has reached the age that her emotional development exceeds her language development a great deal. She started having problem expressing her feelings, especially frustraion, more and more often. The babies at day care also "taught" her some tricks. For example, when she wants something and we can't figure out what it is, or we don't want to give it to her, she'd start scream, or, throw stuff, or, in the most extreme situation, pull her hair really hard. I believe the pulling hair part is either from Avory or Daven. :p. We did try to distract her everytime she did that. But she is quite a stubborn girl. This morning i even gave her a remote control when she wouldn't eat her breakfast. Still it didn't work. Eventually i caved. I know i shouldn't. But most of the time i just want to move on... Again, parenting is so hard!

"Play" mommy

Amy started to "play" mommy over the weekend. I was trying to clean her nose with some Q-tip the other day. She got hold of one and tried to lick it. So i was like, "nooooooooooo, you are soooooo gross". She was apparently quite amused, pretending to lick it and watching for my response. Everytime i say "no!", she'd laugh out loud. And then she'd pretend to lick it again. I know i shouldn't play with her with respect to RULES. But still, i couldn't help entertaining her by pretending it's a big deal. Laughing together with her is so much fun!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Birdie and Pooh

Amy knows how to say "birdie"! This morning when i took her out for her walk, there were a lot of birds flying around. She kept pointing at them. So i told her, Birdie~ (Normally i'd speak chinese. But bird in chinese is really hard to prononciate). She hesitated for a couple of seconds, then said, "deeber". I couldn't help laughing out loud. She was forgiving enough to laugh with me. After a couple of times, she started to point at the birds and say "birdie" herself. Later on we even show off this to her daddy. :)

She also knows how to say "pooh" now. Before she'd only whisper "pooh" when we say it to her. Now she can pick up the toy pooh and say it herself. The only problem is that she thinks all fluffy animals are "pooh", even some animal she never seen before at the leasing office' play room. Today i tried to correct her by telling her the one she picked up is piglet rather than pooh. She got really mad and throw the piglet away. Now that i think about it, i think i shouldn't have ruined her fun. Pooh for every animal is good enough for her and for me, any way.

Actually today i read from the internet that some baby can read more than 100 chinese character when she's the same age as Amy. I am NOT jealous at all. And this is not one of those "sour grape syndrom". Honestly, i don't want Amy to be extra smart or something like that. I even think too smart is a bad thing for kids. All i want from Amy is that she is happy, healthy and decent.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Love the lunch from day-care

Yesterday the teachers tried the food from the cafeteria, she loved it! So apparently it's just my cooking. I should really work on it. I still don't know how to prepare a lot of things amy loves, like lasagnea (heck, i don't even know how to spell it!) , for example. Macroni and cheese's another her favorite. I just hope i can find the time to practice this.

Another problem now with amy is that she refuses to take milk from her cup. We tried sippie cup and straw cup. She can take water from those just fine. But not milk. Even when she's really sleepy and hungry and want her milk before bed time, if she sees a cup, she'd protest with arching her back, shaking her head and screaming bloody murder. I sincerely hope this is just a phase.

This past one year has taught me how to tell myself, this shall pass, too! So now let me say it one more time, this, shall pass, too!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Playing with Avory

Avory is one of my favorite babies at Amy's day care. Daven is sweet, too. But for Avory, it's love at the first sight. :p. This morning when i dropped amy off, Avory was trying really hard to pull her shoe and sock off. When she finally did it, she handed her sock to Amy. Amy walked away with it in her hand, really contended. : ) I am so happy to see she playing with other babies.

She doesn't eat really well, though. She practically ate nothing during her lunch in the past couple of days. So today i asked the teachers to try the food from the cafeteria. Hopefully she'll like the change.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Forward-facing car seat

Last weekend my husband changed amy's car seat from rear-facing to forward-facing. It apparently is a huge and great change for her. The minute i put her in that position, she started babbling excitedly. Normally she'd take a nap on her way back from day care. Yesterday she was so busy "investigating" stuff around her that even when we reached our apartment, she's still super happy and alert.
Now that she can see us driving, she figured out "how to drive" herself. Yesterday we took her to Kroger. They have this kinda shopping cart for kids that looks like a racing car. Before, when we put her in there, she didn't pay attention to the wheel at all. Yesterday she grabbed onto the wheel and started to steer it away with this proud expression on her face. Who wouldn't feel proud for her?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Crowd Pleaser

I myself is a notorious pushover. I got this from my mother. She always put others' happiness the highest priority. I teased her about this "worrying for the whole wild world" all the time. However, ever since i could remember, i like to please others, too. Even though some of my friends comfort me by telling me this makes me a super-sweet person, i still really hate myself for this. So when amy walks on the thin fine line between sweetness and crowd pleasing, it really bothers me, a lot.

For example, she knows we like to see her "dance", or make the kissing noise. Everytime we tease her by holding a ball high, or refusing to read the book to her, she'd dance a little, or make the kissing noise, in hoping we'd give her whatever she wants.
Also, she learnt "ah-oh" from other babies in her day care. So she thinks this is a "universal" language among kids. The other day, when i took her to the play ground, she saw a couple of bigger kids playing ball together. She really wanted to join them. So she yelled "ah-oh" repeatedly at them. They didn't notice, or, they didn't understand what she's doing. She's really dissappointed. She even danced a little for them, too.

I know this is natural for a baby her age. But still, i want her to be independent, to have her own mind, to hold her own ground, not to worry about what others think, or, at least, not to worry too much...... Maybe i want too much. Maybe i should set an example for her. Or, maybe, i should just let her be. :p

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Another low-grade temperature

This morning Amy woke up around 5:30 and kept whining. I stepped in to check on her and felt that she's really warm. Turned out she got a temperature around 99.5. Damn! When can this bad cold end?! Please Please, let amy get back to her healthy self!!!!!!!!

What makes it even worse is that i got this cold from her. Now i am feeling weary.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Amy likes teachers more than mommy

This morning when we got into the infant room, she opened her arms to one of the teachers, Alma, and wanted to get away from me. I told her, kiss mommy. She wouldn't even listen to me. After Alma took her over, she's so contend as if i was some stranger...
Well, i shouldn't complain about it since this is what i always wanted. And actually i am happy that she likes the day care so much. Her daddy and i don't have that much friends here. I was always afraid she'd be a loner.
Actually... on the second thought, i am having much more complicated feeling than just "happy" towards this whole day care situation... For example, they have this new baby in the room, melissa. She was crying so hard yesterday it almost broke my heart. Amy was like that a month ago. Moments like this reminds me of her first couple of days, which makes me feel really guilty. But i am also very proud of amy that she's doing so well. In the mean time there's also the feeling of "let go". Now she's only 1 year old, and sometime she is not very "attached" to me any more... Like i told one of my friends the other day, damn, parenting is hard!

Any way, amy's getting better and better from her cold. Got a bad diaper rash though.
Hope she won't get sick again in the near future...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Back to day care

Yesterday we switched from formula to whole milk. That's when amy started to take her bottle. She also ate much better yesterday. I took her out for a walk in the afternoon. She was so happy even the cough didn't botter her any more.

So i decided to send amy to day care today. She was so bored at home sometime she just sat there. I was afraid after so many days at home she'd forget all about the place. But she didn't . The minute we walked into the door, she lighted up. She waved at all the teachers as if she was some prime minister coming to another country. When i gave her to one of the teachers, she didn't cry at all. She was so busy looking at things she even didn't have time to wave bye bye to me.
Today's their music lesson day, too. Hope she'll enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The 4th day

Yesterday i took her to the ped. Just like what i thought, it's a virus at her throat, and there's nothing we can do about it.
Poor Amy, she became so uncomfortable that she wouldn't even take milk now. It's really hard to keep her hydrated.

Yesterday her daddy taught her how to say "muaaaaaaaaaa", the kissing noise. Everytime we kiss her, we make that noise. Now she can repeat after us. She also tried to say "car" in Chinese. Sometime when we say some big word, she'd look at our mouth really hard, trying to figure out how to say those.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Amy's got a bad cough

Amy didn't really get better today. This afternoon the cough made her so uncomfortable that she had to sleep on my tummy. She hasn't done this since 3 months old. She actually was still very good. At the very beginning, when i put her down for her afternoon nap, she went into sleep pretty fast. But she kept being woke up by the coughs. Eventually she gave up, sitting there crying with her eys closed. When i laid her on my tummy and patted her, she slept so well it reminded me of her newborn time. That kind of closeness is gone forever with the weaning. So i have to guiltily say i did enjoy that 1 hour and half of amy's sick time.

She also didn't eat well. I guess her throat was making her uncomfortable.

Tomorrow i will take her to the ped's office. We were hoping that we could save the trip since amy really hates to go to the doctors. But i can't watch her coughing like this any more. Even though i know the ped probably will just tell us to keep her hydrated blah blah blah... still, some words/reassurance from the professional will make us feel better.

Please, whoever is listening up there, let amy be better tomorrow.


Amy knows how to say "ah-oh" now. Day care really boosts her vocabulary fast! Last Friday when i picked her up, she kept saying "ah-oh" in the car. I thought she just liked the sound of it and had no idea what that meant. But when we got home, i found out she actually knows when to use it. Whenever she or me or her daddy dropped something on the floor, she'd say "ah-oh". She says it when she falls down, too. She even practiced it in her dream.

Last night her temperature peaked to 102 degree. Praying for her to get better soon.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Amy's sick today

This is the 3rd time since she started day care. She got a temperature on the 7th day after she started. I took her to the ped. It's just a virus on her throat. Then the following week she got runny nose. It went on and off for about 10 days. We were just happy that she finally was ok, now this.

And this time is the worst. She was still pretty active for the last two times, eating ok and also keep playing. Not this time. This morning she got a fever about 100 degree. Even after i gave her tylenol, the temperature was still around 99. She didn't eat much lunch and threw up most of it.In the afternoon for about 2 hours she didn't do anything but lying on my stomach and whining... Poor thing.

I know she's supposed to catch virus from day care and this even is good for her in some sense. But it's still really hard for us.

Hope she'll be better soon. I will take a day off tomorrow.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Amy keeps wanting to go out now

Normally i'd take amy out for a walk after her dinner. The day before yesterday, i was a bit hungry after feeding her. So i went into the kitchen to find something to eat. She didn't follow me right away. When i went to look for her, I found she was sitting in front of the door, waiting for me. : ) . So i told her, give mommy a minute to finish this biscuit. That's when she got really impatient. She decided to push me. With a pair of her own shoes in her hands, she tried to pull me to the door. I eventually gave up and take her out with a couple of biscuit in my pocket. : ).

Then yesterday morning after her bottle, she started to wave byebye to her daddy furiously, as if she can't wait to go to the day care. And when we arrived there, she was so eager to go play she didn't even wave to me. Bad girl. :p

I am glad it only took her 3 weeks to like day care. I guess she is a friendly girl by nature.

Today after i dropped her off, i peeked a little bit. Spence, a 6 month guy, kept following her around. When she finally sat down to play with some toys, Spence even tried to climb onto her. She didn't push him away. Maybe some day she'll be a good big sister. :D

One year check-up

Yesterday I took amy to her one year check-up. Her height is 31'', 97%; weight is 23lb1oz,75% with a big head, 183/4'', also 97%. According to the ped, her developement is between 14 months and 16 months. Good girl.
I took her to the office two weeks ago because she has a mild temperature. Back then the ped sort of poked into her throat, which made her extremely uncomfortable. Apparently she remembered it all. Yesterday she even wouldn't let me lay her on the examination bed. She cried even more furiously when the ped tried to look into her ears. Actually even at home, she won't let me touch any part of her face... werid little girl.
But any way, she's fine. She even didn't have a temperature after the shots. When she was 6 months, her temperature reached 103 degree during the night.

I have to go get some CD. Joyce told me she listened to Itsy Bitsy Spider a lot at day care. I even didn't know what that is. :( I guess that's the problem of having a baby in another country. We'll have to "grow" up together with her. Well, maybe it's more of a blessing than problem.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Amy started to play with other babies~

Yesterday Joyce told me Amy started to play with other babies. I saw her and Avory pointing at each other, too. I am so glad she finally start to socialize with others. I think she enjoys day care now.

Yesterday I took Amy to my office. She even met the Dean. She was in a very good mood, waving and smiling at everybody. Also an indicator that she has adjusted to life there.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Amy can say lamp in chinese

Recently amy has developed this habbit of pointing at things, any thing, dogs, people, cars, trees... especially shiny stuff.
She likes the lights inside our car a lot. Everytime we stop the car, the light will go on automatically. So now whenever we enter or stop the car, she'd look at the light and wait for it to light up. Then she'd point at it and smile.
This morning i was feeding her on the balcony. She likes it there so that she can see cars coming and going. She pointed at the lamps on the balcony. So i said, "deng", that's lamp in Chinese. She said it back. We kept doing it for a couple of times. She enjoyed it very much.
Soon she will be a little chatter box, i believe. I am just wondering if it's a Chinese chatter box or an English one...

Monday, September 13, 2004

Amy didn't cry at all today!

She even waved goodbye to me. Such a good girl~

This morning her daddy found out that she knew how to dance. Whenever we sing "twinkle twinkle little star", she'd swing a little and also bounce up and down.

She learns things pretty fast. Yesterday she even took her formula from her straw cup.

She's still a little bit clingy, though. She'd walk towards me, sit down and then lie on my legs for a couple of minutes before she can go play by herself again.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


BIG GIRL了。23磅1盎司。一脸横肉,狰狞笑容像爸爸。个子也不矮。DAY CARE 一个INFANT ROOM里,就属她傻大个子。今天送她去,跟阿姨说我们今生日。一个老阿姨略显糊涂,说,啊,那她两岁了?





开始耍小聪明,每次妈妈要HAVE SERIOUS TALK WITH HER,就瞄准一个目标乱指,妄图转移妈妈的注意力。不喜欢妈妈碰可是想要妈妈手里面的梳子就绕到妈妈旁边去够梳子以为妈妈抓不到她。妈妈送去幼儿园还是要哭给妈妈看,妈妈一出门口就算了,好汉不能够乱吃眼前亏。拣起什么破烂儿背过身去吃,酱紫妈妈看不见。



Happy Birthday, Amy!

Happy Birthday, my dear Amy,

You are 1 year old today.

In the past 1 year, you grew up a loooooooot and also learnt a looooooooooooot. roll over... sit up...crawl...walk... You are a big girl now.

Also in the past 1 year, you made us so happy and proud that sometime i can't believe i can have this much emotions.

I love you very much.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I can see myself in her

I still have some vivid memory about my childhood, most of them somewhat embarrasing. One thing i remember is that i always try to "play" my parents but never succeed. Like if they were talking with me about something serious which i don't want to listen, i'd try distract them by saying, "look! mommy! i found something!". Of course, that's when i was really small. After i started school, i figured this never worked. And then i'd just quit listening.

Amy started doing this last weekend. Less than 1 year old! I do hope she won't stop listening to me later on.

It's saturday and after 1 week at day care, she's really clingy. I was cooking and feeling tired. She still wanted me to hold her. So i calmly told her, mommy's busy, go play with yourself. Of course she wouldn't listen and started to scream/semi-cry. After 10 minutes or so, i got really mad at her and just ignored her. Then she burst into her real cry. That's when i tried to have a "serious" talk with her. I was trying to reason with her while holding her in my arms. She just wouldn't listen and kept pointing at one of the pictures we put up on the wall.

I really can see a little me doing exactly the same thing like she. I can't say i am happy about her defying me. But strangely, it did amused me a little bit.

Amy didn't cry too much today

When i dropped her off at the day care, she just made an attempt to cry. And before she started, i was out of the door. So she didn't really make it to a loud cry. yah~

But she still doesn't like to socialize with other babies. She kept to herself most of the time. I guess she'll start to play with others eventually.

Yesterday i took her to my office after the day care. She liked the vending machine on our floor. She'd point at it and say "ah ah ah ah". So i tried to lead her to touch it. But she didn't want to. It's exactly like the time we took her to the playground. There were a bunch of kids who's making a lot of noises. She'd squat down and observe them for a long time. But never tried to get close to them... So i can imagine her "loner" behavior in the day care. Hopefully this is just a phase.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Amy is almost 1 year old

Today i started this blog. Trying to keep track of her growth.

Amy's a big girl now. 23lb 1oz. 7 teeth, the 8th is on the way. There's also a molar coming out, according to the ped.

Started walking around her 11months. Already has the intention of escaping from mommy and daddy.

Know how to say "baba" and "dadda" for quite a while. Only say "mama" when she wants something. When i say "pooh" to her, she'd whisper "pooh". If i say "done", she'd yell "da"!

The 3rd week at day care

Dropped amy off at day care this morning.
After 3 days at home, she thought we'd stopped the day care thing. So the minute we stepped into the infant room, she started to cry furiously.
Last week when i dropped her off, she'd cry only a little bit. Today she cried for half a minute.

She still has a little bit runny nose. Don't know if it'll get worse.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004


昨天下午爸爸妈妈有事,放了学带皮皮去了办公室。皮皮本来已经一肚子委屈,还被整个楼道展览来展览去,心情狠不好。看到人都不挥手了,人家有靠近的意思就防守性的大哭 。妈妈的键盘啦电话啦还是狠感兴趣,可是必须要抱着才勉强摸一摸。二十三四磅的一团胖肉,妈妈从六点一直抱到八点,半身不遂的意思都有了。



妈妈在门口站了十分钟,皮皮一直都狠繁忙,偶尔东张西望,笑是没笑,不过哭也没有。 昨天阿姨说皮皮还是狠喜欢一个人,自己走柳儿,或者坐在自己的小床里面玩儿小毯毯, 人家和她有了距离,她才和人家招手,人家要是过去想哄她,她反而大哭。妈妈听着就觉得她可怜,站在门口希望她去招惹别的小胖胖。她终于还是没有去。一个光头小胖胖今天穿了新裙子,跑到皮皮旁边的镜子那里去臭美,她也只是静静的看。


Tuesday, August 24, 2004


昨天去接皮皮,正在玩耍,看到妈妈,委屈劲儿上来,抽抽噎噎,看的妈妈很是心酸。回家妈妈就好好犒劳皮皮,大大的一碗鸡汤面条,全都乖乖吃进去,上炕前又来6OZ奶,彻底吃到晕倒状态。 最后哇的一大口都给吐在地毯上面。:(。



进得屋来。小朋友一干人等正在钻纸箱子玩乐。皮皮看的甚是眼馋,仍然钩住妈妈的脖子不放手。想想小孩子也真是可怜,以为拉住一点就是拉住所有,前路坎坷浑然不知,只有一切降临才能咬牙应付,唉。。。转念一想,焉知这又不是幸福呢?。。。正在遐想,阿姨过来问皮皮早饭,直起身来答话。皮皮丢了抓挠,大哭不已。阿姨使眼色要妈妈撤退。 妈妈终于不忍心,抱起来好好安慰。对话五分钟全都好好的,不哭不闹了,妈妈刚说,“ 妈妈要走了”,又开始疯狂大喊。钩紧妈妈的脖子不放手,阿姨抢过,妈妈亲亲胖脸,掰开胖手,毅然的开始徘徊在门外。




Monday, August 23, 2004








Saturday, May 22, 2004



最喜欢出门。 荡秋千的时候格格乱笑,惊动行人。哪怕不去公园,坐在小车里面看风景


不喜欢的包括:HIGH CHAIR、CAR SEAT、热、被救火队吵醒、天气不好、天气太好晒得慌


Saturday, May 08, 2004


,唱着本周曲目,DADADADADADADA~ 走南闯北。最喜欢的地方是桌子底下,家里就这里没
爬,DADADADADADADA~ 咦?这个是什么?妈妈判卷子不认真,我来帮她改一改。。。啊呦

Tuesday, April 06, 2004



Tuesday, March 16, 2004











妈妈一个没留神,ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE?的窗口就冒了出来,妈妈又













Monday, February 16, 2004



Friday, January 16, 2004

