Monday, September 27, 2004

Crowd Pleaser

I myself is a notorious pushover. I got this from my mother. She always put others' happiness the highest priority. I teased her about this "worrying for the whole wild world" all the time. However, ever since i could remember, i like to please others, too. Even though some of my friends comfort me by telling me this makes me a super-sweet person, i still really hate myself for this. So when amy walks on the thin fine line between sweetness and crowd pleasing, it really bothers me, a lot.

For example, she knows we like to see her "dance", or make the kissing noise. Everytime we tease her by holding a ball high, or refusing to read the book to her, she'd dance a little, or make the kissing noise, in hoping we'd give her whatever she wants.
Also, she learnt "ah-oh" from other babies in her day care. So she thinks this is a "universal" language among kids. The other day, when i took her to the play ground, she saw a couple of bigger kids playing ball together. She really wanted to join them. So she yelled "ah-oh" repeatedly at them. They didn't notice, or, they didn't understand what she's doing. She's really dissappointed. She even danced a little for them, too.

I know this is natural for a baby her age. But still, i want her to be independent, to have her own mind, to hold her own ground, not to worry about what others think, or, at least, not to worry too much...... Maybe i want too much. Maybe i should set an example for her. Or, maybe, i should just let her be. :p

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