Monday, January 31, 2005


Being a big helper around the house, amy of course started to notice our dishwasher long time ago. At the beginning, whenever we load the dishes, she's just really excited to see all the chopsticks, forks, and bowls etc. sticking in one place, which she actually can reach (normally we put them up high). So she'd mess with all the kitchenware, throwing them everywhere, or, stealing one or two to put them by her crib. Later, after i figured out she'd do whatever you tell her to do if you put the phrase "help mommy to" in the sentence, i'd just tell her to help me close the dishwasher's door if she's gonna mess with dirty kitchenwares. It worked like a charm. No more dirty spoons in the hall way. Yay~

Well... of course it "backfired" somehow. That's what parenting is all about, figuring out strategies that will be out-smarted later on. Yesterday i was just in the middle of arranging the dishes and the little one appeared from no where. I threw out the old bone and she did close the door for me. But that's not all, just when i turned my back on her to clean the oven, she locked the door and actually started my half-loaded dishwasher. My mom has been here almost two months and couldn't figure out where the lock is. With such a quick-learning helper around, i really don't know if i should be happy or worried... :p

Friday, January 28, 2005

with mommy's jacket Posted by Hello

With Grandpa's shoes Posted by Hello


The other day when i picked amy up, her new teacher, kristina, told me amy's really smart. Well... i don't know about that... some of my friends' baby similar to her age already can speak in full sentences, she still can only say words. i myself don't really care if she's smart, as long as she's happy.
But any way, here's why. They have this hand-made folders in the day care, which is like a shape sorter. In these folders, there are cut-out shapes, square, triangular, oval, etc. There's also a piece of paper with all the shapes draw on it. The kids are supposed to put all the cut-out shapes into the space they belong to. Amy can do it the first time she saw the folders. She even helps out avory some time, pointing to her what she should do with the shape in her hand.

Don't know if amy's smart or not, but once again, this proves my prediction, she's gonna grow up a geek.

Grab stuff out of a book

Starting about 2 weeks ago, amy likes to grab stuff out of a book. Like when she's hungry, she'd pick out a certain book from her bookshelf and let us read to her. Of course it would be a food book, with big pictures, either hamburger or crackers or cakes in it. And when we reached the food she likes, she'd try really hard to pull it out from the book. Normally after a couple of tries, she'd cry out for help. Some time i'd intentionally let her fuzzy a little bit cuz it's just so cute that i can't resist. :p.

Monday, January 24, 2005



做色盲妈妈的女儿,是很不幸的。N条牛仔裤,被妈妈认为百搭,TARGET的长袖短袖T SHIRT,一样来仨,不认识的夸我们朴素大方,熟识了连幼儿园阿姨都不禁要问,你家AMY怎么没有裙子,不穿花的?妈妈我被戳在痛处,强颜欢笑,有吗有吗,她一个小P孩儿懂啥。

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Recognize the word "AMY"

This morning i was chatting with my sis through msn while my mom's entertaining amy (well... they are more like entertaining each other.). My sis sent me a flash, which caught amy's eye immediately. She threw away the blocks that they were playing and tried to climb onto my laps. So i typed to my sis and told her that amy's here and she's gonna bang on the keyboard, so that she can ignore the weird input amy makes. My sister then write a big big 'AMY' in pink and then sent it to me. So i pointed at it and ask amy what it is, amy looked at it for a while and then yelled amy, with this expression that she's really proud of herself. Well, she should be!

Grew to love day care

Starting this monday, the 3rd week after she moved to the young todder room, amy stopped crying in the morning. She's still fighting with herself a little bit, though. One minute she's calling avory's name, the next minute she's trying escape from me when i put on her clothes before we leave home. When we got to the day care, she'd look a little bit upset, but still got the courage to kiss me goodbye and wave at me. The teachers said she started to play with others, too.

Friday, January 14, 2005


早在中学同学们腻称我丫头的时候,我就曾经预感到我疲劳的一生,从此处处小心,能少干绝不多干,能不干绝不贱招儿。连择偶也打着灯笼四处的照,总算是骗了个自己会挣扎着缝扣子的男同学,从此我这个丫头也算是混上了私人技服私人秘书私人杂役。无奈何命数已定,后天"勤奋"可 以逃避生理上的苦难,心理上的贱就在劫难逃了。全世界人民的心我普遍的操着,渐露疲态。找出中学时代乱起外号的同学投诉,你看你看,一个名字定终身啊!人 家见我杀气腾腾,胡乱的出招抵挡,哪里哪里,爱操心那是领导命,和丫头有什么联系?我一时倒也没有拆解的办法,领导就领导吧。那我可不是丫头了啊。。。


不负众望啊小胖胖,生下来没几个月就四处的检查家里 的摆放。也就是自己动不了,要是动得了,哪里她都得摸摸擦擦,动不了又不好意思麻烦别人,就哭吧。看到大床被人拖到另一个房间去都没有让她帮忙,大哭一 场,看到洗衣筐里的衣服没有了,一定是他们拿去洗了,也不叫我,再哭一场,爸爸你又要自己亲自去买菜啊,别去了,等我去吧,三哭。她哭她哭她哭哭哭。哭到 会爬了开始,算是正式开始了劳动的生涯。手纸TOWEL纸的长度经常检查,爸爸你从哪儿拿的新的?下次我来拿吧。厨房里热闹放我进去我要炒菜,妈妈你去讲课啊,带上我我给你讲吧。如此这般,不一而足,但凡你要去干活了,有个大肉虫子就跟在后面爬啊爬。干不干的,态度狠端正。丫头,就是要忙的。


粗使丫头都是从擦锅台,扫院落开始的,几千年的行规,AMY自然无师自通,很早以前就可以准确的LOCATE抹布然后蹲在地上像模像样的蹭。卫生委员知道吧,也就是他们DAYCARE不选,要是选,不是AMY就邪了门儿了。捡垃圾她最在行。比如说DIAPER,换下来怎么可以放在地上?一骨碌就从地上爬起来,新DIAPER还来不及穿上,光着屁屁拖着穿了一夜二斤重的DIAPER就直奔垃圾桶。门锁着?OPEN!OPEN!芝麻OPEN!(听着更像是孜孜哦背)。一天要换多少次DIAPER啊同学们。别的不说,就说AMY最喜欢的垃圾桶所在的厕所的门吧,已然OUT OF ORDER了,都是丫头咒语念的。现在即使你锁上,人家一掌即开。收拾到了这个份儿上,年度丫头或者最新丫头奖我们至少是没问题了吧?
DIAPER大,不用丫头命,她爸杂役命的全都看不下去,那么我们来说小的,纸巾,干净的脏的大的小的,甚至丝状的,难逃法网,看见了必须扔掉,不论是读书呢还是推车还是搬东西呢。那日正在喝奶,人家都扔了奶瓶要劳动。不认命的她妈妈我实在是看不下去了,摸过那一丝至今坐在屁股底下,若无其事继续端着奶瓶陪笑(要说这个神啊就是狠,如今连丫头我都要伺候,我还领导个P啊)。 不行不行这怎么可以。摇头打挺四肢飞舞,我不喝了我不喝了我要收拾。丫头她妈我强压怒火故作镇定,爱喝不喝,滚吧滚吧。滚?怎么能够?不打扫干净我什么也 不干。小人儿卯足了劲头儿使劲儿猛推我,推啊推啊推啊推,起开起开,让我找找。一直到把我推走了,丫头捡起那一丝纸巾扔进垃圾桶,方才有个笑容浮现上胖 脸。这,就是传说中自豪的发光吧?
不光收拾垃圾去扔,人家对垃圾桶也有一定的要求,垃 圾袋没有?不能扔,柜子里面找找看,旧的塑料袋没有了,那壁橱里面有垃圾袋,我去拿。小人儿能攥着垃圾满屋子转悠,要彻底收拾妥帖了方可。虽然偶尔会把干 净垃圾袋塞到脏的垃圾里面,但是我们这个疯狂敬业以及一丝不苟还是不容否定的。

丫头也是人,粗使的干惯了,自然是指望promotion的,promote不吧,人家先练练高级技能,照顾别人。逮谁照顾谁,无微不至。爸爸你NIGHT NIGHT,被被盖盖。妈妈这个豆豆我舔过了,狠好吃,你也饿了来一口吧。姥姥,脱下来的衣服要挂挂,衣架给你...我小的时候我姐曾经说,你孩子将来叫事儿吧,你个事儿妈,这也属于诅咒类。生个孩子,她还真就是事儿。
相对论学过吧,凡事都有两面性。事儿有事儿的好处。丫头最近在敏感期,换班换的,超级insecure。妈妈到哪儿跟到哪儿,本职工作都可以放弃也要粘在妈妈身上。放假还好说,转眼开了学,妈妈要去学校了,丫头手里攥着一截儿鼻涕手纸开始撇嘴。mommymommy你别走。我灵机一动,正色道,amy你 别哭啊,爸爸他生病了,不能出去玩儿,狠可怜,你帮妈妈照顾好爸爸,好不好?丫头立刻撒了抱着我的腿的手,轻轻拍拍爸爸,笑盈盈的和我白白。穷人的孩子当 家就是早啊,看得我兀自心酸。苍天啊~如果我现在开始爱劳动,您可不可以放过我的小丫头泥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Still adjusting, cold, and nickname for granny

It's already the 2nd week for amy to go to the young toddler room. She still crys furiously when i left. Even though she's happy most of the day, it still breaks my heart every mornting when she trys really hard to claw onto me. This morning she even refused to left home. Sigh. How i miss the day when she wanted to push me out of the door!

What makes it worse is that there is this bad cold going around the young toddler room. 7-8 out of 14 kids had been call in sick. Amy of course wouldn't be left out. She didn't have a fever so far (knock on wood really really hard). But the bad cough and runny nose has made her really uncomfortable.

Amy had a lot of fun with grandparents. She even made up a "nickname" for granny. Granny in Chinese is really hard to pronounciate. So she just kept calling my mom socks in chinese. I have no idea why.

New semester just starts. I hope i can keep up with this blog. at least once a week.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Getting better

Yesterday on amy's day report, the teacher wrote she's happy most of the time. yah~

But this morning she woke up around 5:20 for no reason at all. When i stepped in to see if there's something wrong 40 minutes later, she's so excited that she kept poking at me. So i gave up and let her play with my parents. Hopefully she won't fell asleep over lunch again.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Yesterday morning after i left, Amy cried all the time in the young toddler room. She was so tired that she fell asleep during story time before lunch. So they brought her back to the infant room to take her nap. After that she cheered up a little. But when i picked her up, she was still playing by herself in a corner. Sigh, she's only 16 months old, already has 2 adjusting experience. Hope this time it's easier on her.

Even with a tough morning like that, amy managed to get an accident report yesterday. She fought the other kid over a toy. The other one let go and the toy hit amy on the face. :p

Monday, January 03, 2005

Abstract concept

Amy knows a little bit abstract concept now, like "here".

Every morning after i changed her diaper, i'd throw her dirty diaper in the trash can. Yesterday morning i forgot and left the dirty one on the floor ( i know it sounds gross. but parenting is gross. well... at least, my parenting is gross). Amy kept pointing at it and asked for my or my mom's attention. After my mom picked the dirty diaper up, amy started pointing at the bathroom where the trash can is located. She even started to lead the way when she saw my mom understand her. When they got to the bathroom, she pointed at the trash can and kept saying, here here here in chinese. After my mom dropped the diaper into the trash can, she had a relieved and satisfied expression on her face. It's the cutest thing ever.
This moring i left the diaper on the floor intentionally and she did exactly the same routine.

Graduated the infant room

New year, new start.
Today amy has her first graduation. She moved to the young toddler room this morning. I was a little bit worried at first cuz she has a little bit cold and got up really early this morning... (well, i 'd be worried even if there's nothing happened, any way.) But she seems doing fine when i left her. She met her old friend avory. She also has Davin who's graduating the same time as she does. So she's not that uncomfortable in the new room. When i left, she was watching a new kid crying, a little bit concerned and a little bit confused, but no cry (thank god).
They have a lot more activity in young toddler room. She definitely will love it eventually. I am just hoping it'll happen soon.