Sunday, October 03, 2004

Birdie and Pooh

Amy knows how to say "birdie"! This morning when i took her out for her walk, there were a lot of birds flying around. She kept pointing at them. So i told her, Birdie~ (Normally i'd speak chinese. But bird in chinese is really hard to prononciate). She hesitated for a couple of seconds, then said, "deeber". I couldn't help laughing out loud. She was forgiving enough to laugh with me. After a couple of times, she started to point at the birds and say "birdie" herself. Later on we even show off this to her daddy. :)

She also knows how to say "pooh" now. Before she'd only whisper "pooh" when we say it to her. Now she can pick up the toy pooh and say it herself. The only problem is that she thinks all fluffy animals are "pooh", even some animal she never seen before at the leasing office' play room. Today i tried to correct her by telling her the one she picked up is piglet rather than pooh. She got really mad and throw the piglet away. Now that i think about it, i think i shouldn't have ruined her fun. Pooh for every animal is good enough for her and for me, any way.

Actually today i read from the internet that some baby can read more than 100 chinese character when she's the same age as Amy. I am NOT jealous at all. And this is not one of those "sour grape syndrom". Honestly, i don't want Amy to be extra smart or something like that. I even think too smart is a bad thing for kids. All i want from Amy is that she is happy, healthy and decent.

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