Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Can't kiss me without permission!

Every morning when i take amy into the day care, one of the directors would ask for a kiss from her. Ninty-nine percent of the time amy would shake her head and say "no no". It's like a little routine laugh for both me and the director.
This morning the director decided to take some any way. So instead of asking amy, she sneaked up on her and kissed her on the face really hard. Amy suddenly burst into this huge cry, as if saying "you can't kiss me without asking!". Plus, i put this new jacket on her today, she looked like a teddy bear. A grumpy fuzzy crying teddy bear.Everyone passing the hallway had a really good laugh over this.

loves auntie

This week my sister's coming over for a visit. Before she came, i was really worried that amy's not gonna play with her, or, even worse, cried every time she sees her. Mommy, daddy and day care teachers are all the adults she knows, after all.
To my surprise, amy loves her very much. Quote my husband, "she can sense who's close relative." The minute she saw my sister, she gave her a gentle smile. They started play together like crazy only 5 minutes after my sister got in the house.
Yesterday, amy even started to get jealous when my sister played with davin in the day care. This morning, she got up before her auntie did. So she just squated down quietly in front of my sister's door, waiting for her to come out to play with her.
I am soooooooooo happy to see they love each other.
Now i am not as worried as before that amy won't play with my parents when they get here.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Word count



thank you
bye bye


Thursday, November 18, 2004


我有把子力气。这可以追溯到很早。比如说换煤气罐。比如说大学里我打四壶八磅的水。上山下乡到了美国,登峰造极,甚至名扬我们小TOWN。话说有一回,帮我ROOMIE去买家具。共两女三男。DEFAULT认为干活的有一女三男。我和胖男一组,两瘦男一组。人家一开始蛮照顾我,说,哎,你们一组抬床垫,轻,我们一组抬写字台,你慢着点儿啊。殊不知抬完这一趟回来,瘦男甲就改了主意,斜次里奔我杀过来,哎我说,不行不行这样不行,还有一个QUEEN SIZE BOX,这个瘦男乙他不行啊,换咱俩一组去吧?我受了表扬,欢欣鼓舞,这半天儿好好儿的卖了卖块儿。
我们家AMY好的她不学,妈妈我冰雪聪明伶牙俐齿她一样儿也没有延承衣钵,到了体格儿健壮这儿,她倒是没拉下。刚刚会走路的时候,步履蹒跚,也要摸到壁橱那里,踮着脚尖够到最大包的DIAPER,帮当一声拨拉到地上,哼呦咳呦的拖到遥远的卧室去,备战备荒那么个意思。走好了更加不得了,到了商场都要帮人家重组货架。妈妈一眼没看住,就摸到最大桶的CONDITIONER,抱起来撒腿就跑。实在是太重了,跑两步蹲下歇一歇,为了防备妈妈来破坏,蹲着都死死的抱着大大一瓶。转眼的功夫就给人家把CONDITIONER拖到鸡汤区,要求这两个配对。上个星期妈妈去DAY CARE接她,在门外偷瞧。但见得这个好汉,袖子挽得老高,脑门儿冒着细汗,推着个塑料大房子就走,完全不顾大房子里面还站着无辜的SEAN。问阿姨,阿姨见怪不怪,说,oh... she's been at it for a couple of hours, rearranging furniture is her business。阿姨们又不知道我们家族的光荣历史,微笑祝贺说,嗯,将来啊,AMY是个DECORATOR。妈妈心里知道,DECORATE个头啊,她,MOVER嘀干活。我们母女两个,搬家公司,都不用再雇老墨了。

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Very polite

Amy has been saying "thank you" to everyone for almost a month now. Not exactly "thank you". Dahdu is more like it. Like when she asks for milk, she'd say "dahdu" after we give the cup to her. Even when she's really hungry, she'd rush a "dahdu" before putting the straw in her mouth.

The day care teachers told me that she also kept saying it when they tried to teach sean to speak. They were like, "sean, say thank you". And amy'd say"dahdu" immediately, even when she's really busy with her "funiture re-arranging" business.

Her vocabulary has been growing quite rapidly recently. Bye, beans in chinese, potato in chinese, even stinky in chinese, are among the new additions... Yesterday when i picked her up, i almost knocked over another daddy by the swing door. After i said "sorry", she even managed to say a "sowee". Very polite indeed.

Monday, November 15, 2004



到我家AMY了,基因上面又是她爸比较强大。吃面条,她爸爱吃宽的或者粗的。本来我一直给AMY吃龙须面的,星期六我们俩剩了口粗面条,懒得给她做饭了(我接受批评,穿也不给家穿好,吃也只是剩的。。。),捡了两根儿给她吃,扔给她的时候,说,吃面面吧。星期天早上,一睁眼睛,人家就高呼,面面!面面!扔了奶瓶,要攀高椅,从CEREAL BAR到WAFFLE到PAN CAKE。。。什么都不吃,就是要面面。时间紧迫,在她拍桌子示威的压力下,我匆忙的下了一把龙须面,图个熟的快。人家不要,胡噜胡噜都抹到头发上,好像假发一般。终於作了她想要的面面,欢呼3秒钟示意。

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Amy now knows different shapes.

My mom bought her this book when she was really little. It has a big picture of a type of shape on one page, and then a small picture of the same shape on the other page, hidden among other things. We used to "read" this book to her every day, told her "see? this is a square, this is a square, too".
Yesterday, i pointed at the big square, and then asked her to pick out the small square on the other page, she did it! she can also tell triangle, round and oval. But if it's too complicated, like a star, she can't. she'd point at some other small pictures which interest her, like a hipo. :)


AMY今天早上死命攥着一块大饼干进了DAY CARE 的门.从此就被SEAN盯上了.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Crazy busy recently

My parents are gonna come this coming december. so i am trying to get more work done. haven't got time to keep recording amy's growing up.

She didn't learn much recently, execpt now she can say NO NO while she's shaking her head. She does that all the time. When i dropped her off at the day care and asked for a bye-bye-kiss, she'd say nono. When i ask her to finish her dinner, she'd say nono. Or, when she's doing something she's not supposed to do, she'd say nono while she's doing that.

Her daddy said she can say cat in chinese, now... i didn't notice, though... Sigh... bad mommy ah.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Bossy Girl

I guess all girls are bossy. Amy is one of the proofs. She likes to make us do this and that . Like when she can't put the stackers back onto the pole, she'd demand us to do it for her. Or, when she wants some crackers, she won't quit till we give it to her. I didn't think all these as "bossy" until i saw her in day care. The other day when i picked her up from the day care, she was playing with Davin. And i saw her point at davin and say "Davin! Come! Come!" at the same time. That's when i realized she's one bossy little girl. Well, i was, too, when i was little. So i guess i've nothing to complain.