Friday, April 29, 2005

tough little girl

The other day i took amy to playground. On the slide, we met this weird little boy. He hugged me for no reason at all, with this creepy smile...i am a person who loves almost any kids. But this one just freaks me out... After i unclawed his hands from my leg, he went to amy and tried to hug her too. Before i tried to stop him, Amy literally screaaaaaaaaamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOO! STOP IT!". i was so proud of her. Later on when amy sit on top of the slide, the little boy tried to push her again, Amy even tried to scratch his hand time, and yelled in the meantime, 'NO! LET GO!". THAT'S MY GIRL!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005





3. NIGHTY NIGHT。晴天白日的,把为娘的我拉到她房间里,隔着crib栏杆把自己的粉毯毯捞出来,然后命令我,NIGHTY NIGHT!我就得躺下,平趴或者平躺,侧卧滴不行,然后她认真的把毯子捋好,坚持捋成自己攥着长边,如果一不留神是短边而且还总也改不成长边,就要NONONONO的批评毯子了,接下来费劲的盖在我的肚皮上,摆弄平整,拍拍,哦哦MOMMY NIGHTY NIGHT。如此反复,N次不止。第N+1次,自己提醒自己,AMY,AMY nighty night.自己把毯子先铺平,然后躺在上面,然后反手拍自己的屁屁,NIGHTY NIGHT。

AMY 去 玩 儿 , 捡 了 个 高 尔 夫 球 回 来 , 他 爸 就 拿 甙 面 杖 假 装 球 棍 , 打 着 玩 儿 , 站 在 屋 子 紧 这 头 儿 , 帮 的 一 下 打 出 去 , 说 AMY, 去 给 爸 爸 捡 回 来 ! 小 人 儿 就 跑 出 去 了 , 一 边 儿 跑 一 边 儿 振 振 有 词 , 快 跑 快 跑 快 跑 快 跑 , 捡 回 来 放 好 。 昨 天 父 女 俩 玩 儿 了 将 近 40分 钟 。 缺 点 是 , 玩 儿 到 最 后 , 责 任 心 比 较 强 的 小 人 儿 已 经 累 了 , 但 是 还 在 咬 牙 坚 持 , 两 眼 无 神 缓 慢 的 走 来 ~走 去 ~, 晚 上 累 得 做 恶 梦 。 : (


After "NO!MINE!", "LET GO!" is something new amy picked up recently. Whenever i try to get into her business or make her do things, she'd yell "LET GO!" to me. Sometime she even mumbles "let go" repetitively to herself, like it's a good song. And just like "NO! MINE!", she doesn't understand this term completely. It's just something powerful that she can throw you in your face. This morning, she wanted to play with my purse, which is too high for her to reach. So she yelled "let go" many times to her daddy. And last night, she even yelled "let go" in her dream.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Clean up! clean up!

We have this Barney tape we always play on our way to and back from day care. It has a song in it goes "clean up clean up everybody everywhere! clean up clean up everybody do your share!" Amy always sings along with it by yelling, "MINA! MINA!". So i assumed that she doesn't really understand what this song is about.

Now i am doubting my assumption. Yesterday i took amy to the ped cuz she's been having greenish runny noses for a while. It turned out she's only having a cold. She's already 29 LB by the way... Any how, when we got to the day care, it's already pretty late. It seemed like they have finished playing with all the toy animals and were cleaning up. Amy immediately joined them with the kinda enthusiasm i've never seen before. Recently she acctually was pretty clingy and wouldn't let go of me. One day she even faked a cry and Vicky simply said, "oh my goodness, that is sooo fake!", which successfully stopped her. But this time, she even didn't have the time to kiss me good bye. She picked up all the toys one by one and handed them to the teachers, with a proud smile on her face. I'd say she understand "clean up clean up everybody do your share!" more than enough. :D

Monday, April 25, 2005

3 cars and 1 airplane Posted by Hello

安全第一 Posted by Hello


Yesterday we took amy to a local lake. She was pretty excited to see the "big" lake, keep yelling water! water! water! all the way. We also found a group of ants, which she enjoyed watching a lot.

After we parked our car, amy's daddy told her, say bye to our beetle. This is the first time either of us referred to our car as beetle to amy. We hung out at the lake for about an hour, then we walked back towards our car. Amy pointed at the car and said, BEETLE! i was so shocked at her fast learning ability.


周末的时候,出去玩儿,AMY习惯性的坐在后座点名,AMY,MOMMY,爸爸。说完了不甚满意,修改道:AMY MOMMY, 爸比。

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Amy noticed shadow about 4 or 5 months ago. One night she tried to high-five with her little shadow. So that night i put my hands together and made a birdie-shaped-shadow. While i was flapping my hands, she kept yelling, birdie! birdie! It didn't even look like a birdie that much. I was amazed how kid's imagination works. It was super fun at the first. Not that fun after about 10 or 15 minutes. I couldn't even feel my arms. So i just quit doing it. Amy thought the birdie has landed or dropped dead. So she looked for the birdie on our carpet for quite some time. :D I had a good laugh at it.

Now that the weather is nice, i take her out for a walk every morning at the weekends. She'd point at her little shadow and proudly announce, AMY! Then point at my shadow and say, MOMMY! And just like we can't interfere with her business, my shadow CANNOT interfere with her shadow, either. If i stand in some position that my shadow overlapps with hers, she'd squat down and try to push my shadow away, furiously. :p Of course I intentionally did this a couple of times just to have some fun myself.

Sometime in the morning, when i drive her to the daycare, her little shadow will land on the front passenger seat. Then she'd try to dance with that little shadow together. If the weather is bad, she'd point at the front seat and mumble, amy amy amy disspointedly. I guess kids feel lonely, too, sometime, especially when there are only big people around.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


ABC歌也是一样的,每句里她挑拣几个自己会说的跟着唱,嘴型都拿好了等在那儿,比如说now i know my ABC,她会说NO MINE!所以认为 know my就是NO MINE!这么暴力的词汇可以合法化的唱出来,多么的美好!于是每次都静悄悄的等着这句,等到我唱NOW了,她就匆匆忙忙的唱NO MINE! A!B!C!然后说YEAH~

Amy's first picture: Bike Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

Bilingual counting

amy can count using both english and chinese. i just found it out yesterday.

we were drawing together. she claimed she was drawing a bike. all i saw were just madly arranged lines though. i was drawing her apple, car, pants... all the easy stuff. but i ran out of idea pretty fast. i even drew her an amy, a mommy, and a daddy! that's when i started to write down numbers. also because earlier that day amy was pointing at an infinity FX35 and proudly say, 3! 5! i wanted to see what else she recognized. it turned out she knows most of the 10 numbers. ocassionally she'd mixed up 2 and 5, 6 and 9. but most of the time she can recognize all of them, even when i show them to her out of the order. i still don't know why she can't tell 2 and 5, or 6 and 9 apart though. she can play the number sorter perfectly well.
well... that took about 10 minutes. i ran out of the idea AGAIN! i am such a talentless mom! without the day care, i bet she'd still be illiterate by now. :p. anyway, that's when i started to write down the numbers and speak english. after i said, one, she immediately said, two! i haven't even started to write 2. then she finished counting up to ten all by herself! i really want to hug the day care teachers at that point of time.

by the way she also knows where her cheek, chin, forehead, elbow, shoulder, back,knees... are... and for most of these things i even haven't taught her chinese yet. //blush.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

有意义的半天------ ZOO游记

大概一个月以前,AMY的幼儿园老师惊闻我们还没有带某个同学去过动物园,摇头叹息,仿佛确认了我是后娘一般的痛心疾首,我这边厢自然也振动不轻,回家向领导汇报工作,领导答曰,已阅。之后的几个星期,天气不好,领导要考试,有人生病,每个周五我都豪情壮志的打开DALLAS ZOO的网页一通研究,每个周一又都灰溜溜的去了幼儿园,还是没有机会能够骄傲的说出,我们去过动物园了!作贼心虚的怎么样都觉得阿姨就要向有关部门反应了。



动物园阿动物园我总算是来了,由于研究网页已经有些年头儿,到了目的地,感觉非常亲切,好像回了家一般,拉着领导推着小人就先看LEMUR。领导是好学之人,年纪一把了仍然是属十万个为什么的,自然要问,什么是LEMUR?我是朽木一段,参考文献递到眼前也懒得挪动眼珠,当然会回,YOU ASK ME ME ASK WHO啊。 领导故作有学问状的研究栏杆上的附图说明,很有想象力的说,小熊猫,国内的那个小熊猫嘛。我被领导的,自然谦恭的附和,大熊猫我们乡下不趁,估计是要弄个 小的对付我们的。小人儿一路上被我哄着戴上墨镜,刚刚反抗打掉,正在调整焦距,调好了,果断的叫,猴猴!猴猴!回家后领导第一件事查字典,字典有云,lemur[动物] 狐猴。别看年纪小,还是美国人的英语好些,不服不行。

跟猴猴亲切白白后,看到红鸟一片。我的文化就是酱紫了,会飞不会飞,长翅膀的一概是鸟。领导自然高我一筹,认真的检索数据库,断言,以前去SEA WORLD见过的嘛,FANDANGO!我在忙着毁小人不倦,那个是BIRDIE,这个是鸭鸭。领导说啥我都热情的点头。看到牌子才笑出来,哈哈,FLAMINGO, 人家不管卖电影票的。领导无语,立下誓言,下次一定要带文曲星。我忍了半天才没说出来,带文曲星你查FANDANGO也查不清楚阿。

BIRDIE白白了两次才算白白僚,我们来到岔路口。看老虎还是去CHILDREN’S ZOO?我们家这个小人,叶公好龙的典型,在我们住的院子里,听见狗叫都要上窜下跳,汪汪汪汪叫个不停,好像是小动物爱好者似的,实际上,只要看见狗奔她的大概方向过来,就吓得花容失色屁滚尿流。所以我就向领导汇报,这个人胆子小,嗷嗷咱们一会儿WARM UP了再去,先去小朋友区吧。还没有进去,某人本质就暴露僚。门口大小袋鼠雕塑两只,食草动物,还是假的,小人儿便觉得自己的生命收到了威胁,疯狂号哭,你说至于的嘛

坑坑吃吃进得门来,我不得不承认人家美国人就是敢干,明明一农场嘛,猪两头羊三只兔兔若干马厩一间,就大大方方的叫ZOO。小人被假袋鼠吓出了感情,连看到猪都是抽抽噎噎的嘀咕“PIGGY” “PIGGY” ,凡事只可远观,让她去摸兔兔便再次大哭,吓醒了旁边熟睡TINY宝一个,HUGE荷兰猪两筐。旁边院内还有人工小溪,大人孩子趟水忙。我们这个鞋还没有扒下来就哭得大家聚众围观了,我们一家三口仓惶逃窜。

之后远 远的看过了长颈鹿和大象,小人开始造反,用我们去看鸟和爬行动物的所有时间来自己推车,横冲直撞,看见了什么没看见什么不清楚,地上发现几片破叶子倒是玩 儿上十分钟,大老远的来动物园,你说我们为什么许的?后来领导抱了她一路,看了很多种猴猴,很多种羚羊或者牛或者别的什么,反正四条腿的,还有一只老虎, 一只豹子,小人兴趣不大,指着天上的乌鸦激动的叫BIRDIE BIRDIE,还对地上的蚂蚁热情的说BUGS。只好又重新去看领导的FANDANGO,算是结束。

带了八盎司奶以为足够,结果人家体力劳动了这么许久,咕咚咕咚三两下喝完,MORE MORE叫个不停,此时已经要关门,当妈的我去FOOD COURT,冰箱里捞出一瓶奶就给她喝上了,然后才去付钱,孰知所有的CASHIER都回家了,我想做黑社会这么久了,到今天总算是抢了一次劫。

Friday, April 08, 2005



Thursday, April 07, 2005

Testing limits

Kristina yesterday told me it seems like amy has entered her "terrible 2" stage early. She started to push her limits (Thank god she doesn't appear so at home.... knock on wood really hard! i guess she picked it up from some other kids). Normally she's a really sweet and obedient kid. Whatever the teachers tell her to do, she'd do it without any struggle. Even the teachers in early preschool room know amy as the sweetest one. But yesterday when she's touching the paint that she's not supposed to, she refused to follow any order. They kept telling her, "no, amy, don't do that!". She'd stop for a little while and then poke at the paint again. She even tried to touch the paint and look at the teacher in the same time to see what her reaction is. Since it's not a very serious situation, they didn't punish her. Plus, Kristina told me she thinks it's really funny to see a sweetie do something out of ordinary. I am hoping she will keep this thought with her for a while. I really don't want them to be too tough on my little angel. I know, i will spoil her rotten.

Monday, April 04, 2005

tongsilitis (03/29) + more and more fuzzy

Last tuesday (03/29) amy threw up twice in the morning. It turned out to be tongsilitis. I think she's already caught ALL the virus there is in the whole wide world during the past three months. I am so used to it that i didn't even worry too much. :(

This past week she has been very fuzzy and easily frustrated. For example, if she can't put the number sorter together correctly, she'd scream, hit her self, or pull her hair. I thought it was tongsilitis-related. But her daddy insists that she was just too spoiled. I have to agree with him when this behavior didn't go away yesterday. There is no way that i can act tough on her when i suspect she's uncomfortable physically. And i am constantly suspecting that. Hopefully things will get better in the summer. I know, this, SHALL PASS, TOO!

On top of all these, she has formed a habit of getting up at 5:30am.