Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Clean up! clean up!

We have this Barney tape we always play on our way to and back from day care. It has a song in it goes "clean up clean up everybody everywhere! clean up clean up everybody do your share!" Amy always sings along with it by yelling, "MINA! MINA!". So i assumed that she doesn't really understand what this song is about.

Now i am doubting my assumption. Yesterday i took amy to the ped cuz she's been having greenish runny noses for a while. It turned out she's only having a cold. She's already 29 LB by the way... Any how, when we got to the day care, it's already pretty late. It seemed like they have finished playing with all the toy animals and were cleaning up. Amy immediately joined them with the kinda enthusiasm i've never seen before. Recently she acctually was pretty clingy and wouldn't let go of me. One day she even faked a cry and Vicky simply said, "oh my goodness, that is sooo fake!", which successfully stopped her. But this time, she even didn't have the time to kiss me good bye. She picked up all the toys one by one and handed them to the teachers, with a proud smile on her face. I'd say she understand "clean up clean up everybody do your share!" more than enough. :D

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