Monday, April 11, 2005

Bilingual counting

amy can count using both english and chinese. i just found it out yesterday.

we were drawing together. she claimed she was drawing a bike. all i saw were just madly arranged lines though. i was drawing her apple, car, pants... all the easy stuff. but i ran out of idea pretty fast. i even drew her an amy, a mommy, and a daddy! that's when i started to write down numbers. also because earlier that day amy was pointing at an infinity FX35 and proudly say, 3! 5! i wanted to see what else she recognized. it turned out she knows most of the 10 numbers. ocassionally she'd mixed up 2 and 5, 6 and 9. but most of the time she can recognize all of them, even when i show them to her out of the order. i still don't know why she can't tell 2 and 5, or 6 and 9 apart though. she can play the number sorter perfectly well.
well... that took about 10 minutes. i ran out of the idea AGAIN! i am such a talentless mom! without the day care, i bet she'd still be illiterate by now. :p. anyway, that's when i started to write down the numbers and speak english. after i said, one, she immediately said, two! i haven't even started to write 2. then she finished counting up to ten all by herself! i really want to hug the day care teachers at that point of time.

by the way she also knows where her cheek, chin, forehead, elbow, shoulder, back,knees... are... and for most of these things i even haven't taught her chinese yet. //blush.

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