Wednesday, January 02, 2008




根据我最近平心静气的观察结果,其人尿裤子,完全没有不适感,完全没有羞耻感,加上我已经放弃了跟她起急,仅有的一点恐惧感也完全没了。尿起来,那是,理直气壮义无反顾。你问她,人家还头头是道的,i had an accident today, but that's ok. we all have accidents sometime.



lanfear said...

cmft cmft

Unknown said...

hug dear 6

I wish I could say the same thing
and acted as relaxed

Lucky Amy wouldn't be driven out of school because of this.

ydmama said...

我不确信我能帮忙,但还是说说我的2 cents:

1. Don't even ask at the pick-ups. Take her wet pants and stuff and continue your daily chat/what you were doing with her, acting like you did not see the pants and did not know(care) about her accidents at all. Also, absolutely no talking to teachers, at home or anywhere about your concern. Let her believe tha you really, really do not care at all。

2. Ask her teachers if Amy could be offered some books to read or quiet activities to do on her cot at nap time so that she is entertained while not disturbing other kids. If those activities are already allowed, every morning, give her a little project such as "draw a house with mommy and daddy in it" for her to do and collect her product in the afternoon so that she knows you really want to see her work. Of course, praise her progress every day and encourage her to do more. The point is to keep her mentally busy so that she forgets about the "evil play" too.

Hope it helps a little.

宝贝乖 said...

pat pat


Starsea said...

cmft cmft