Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Amy finally figured out how to play the slide all by herself. We started to take her to play almost 1 year ago. Either her daddy or me would let her sit in our lap and then slide down. She absolutely loves it. As she get bigger, she got more intrested in the stairs. She'd hold our hands and clime up the stairs then follow the stairs back down. Every time i took her to the slide side, she'd shake her head or say no. Some time she'd let me hold her hand and then drag her down the slide slowly. She is really concerned about safety! Definitely got that from her daddy. Not me.

And the last sunday she suddenly figured out the whole process. She'd climb up the stairs by herself, refusing me touch her anywhere. And then she'd sit down far far far far away from the slide, slowly scouting to the slide. Of course she'd hesitate a little bit. She has a safety-geek daddy after all. Eventually she'd slowly slide down, with a proud smile on her face. The cutest part is that after she got down to the floor, she'd run back to the stair, in the mean time yelling, hurry! hurry! hurry!

I taped her playing slide and then played it on the computer. Amy got even more exciting when she watched it. She'd wait till the amy in the screen slide down and then yell, yay~~~~~~

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