Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Sleep problems

Starting this winter, amy's been giving me a huge headache during her sleep time. Now every time i put her to bed, i'd be in this terrified stage, worrying what will happen during the night... It all started when she got sick. Every time she caught something, it'll start by her waking up nad refusing to go back to sleep around midnight. That's why i am so mortified each time she woke up. My instinct would tell me she's sick again. Unfortunately my instinct hasn't failed me so far. :(

Last week, she even had an episode of night terror. It was triggered by her biting. Amy's actually not very offensive, never started a fight. But if somebody tries to get her stuff, she's a fighter, a good one. Sean happens to be a guy who has a habbit to grab others' toy. So Amy has bited Sean at least twice. I guess the teachers gave her a hard time. I never gave amy time-out at home, i just can't. When teacher gave her time out, it struck her really hard. Last thursday night, the whole night, she kept talking in her dream, NO MINE! NO MINE! Even when i hold her, she couldn't calm down, and she even tried to walk away from me with her eyes closed. It totally broke my heart. I ended up sleeping with her that night.

Yesterday, similar thing happened. She didn't really have night terror. But she just couldn't go back to sleep. i was both worried and exhausted. So i hold her to sleep again...I know this is bad to her sleep-training... i just can't help. I wish this time she didn't catch some virus.... keep my fingers crossed.

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