Friday, March 18, 2005


On our way to day care, there is a new bank branch opening at one of the street corner. They put a lot of ballon around that corner to attract attentions. Amy noticed that the first day they were placed, even before me noticed the construction is done. She pointed at the ballons and yelled "ball! ball! ball!". For the past couple of days, she'd do that everytime we passed the corner. However, the wind has been pretty strong recently. Some of the ballons flew away, the other lost all the air. Today there's nothing left. Even before we get to that corner, out of habit and anticipation, amy yelled excitedly, ball! ball! ball! Then she looked out, nothing there. That's when she turned to me, all confused, saying, ah-oh! ah-oh! I guess changes, even teeny tiny ones, irrelevant ones, are confusing to them.

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