Tuesday, May 31, 2005


yesterday, when i was playing on the internet, amy's daddy yelled at me, "amy just said b-word tome!"i didn't believe him, so asked amy, "what did you just say to daddy?!"amy proudly announced, "bu**sh*t! bu**sh*t!" and kept pointing at her daddy.
it took me about half a minute to figure out she was actually commenting onher daddy's new t-shirt,


Thursday, May 26, 2005

melted my heart

the day before yesterday, we took amy to our community pool. apparently she's scared of water. the only thing she'd do is to wet her feet, not even her knees. so basically the swimmer diapers are some very bad investment for us.
good thing is she still had a lot of fun at the pool. so much fun that she didn't sleep very well that day. she kept waking up and whining. i guess in her nightmare, there's a huge huge swimming pool that is chasing her or something like that. :D so i decided to comfort her by sleeping together. exhausting night, by the way. she kept changing her position. at one point she even climbed down the bed and slept on the floor. :p
any way, what melted my heart happened the following morning. after amy woke up, she first sat up with a confusing expression, like, where am i? then she suddenly saw me. she scooted towards me, laid her head on my tummy, gave me a huge hug, smiled, and whispered to me, HI~MOMMY~

Monday, May 23, 2005




爱上了TELETUBBIES。明明狠creepy的baby 太阳,她看到尖声大笑。一点都不可怕的吸尘器,看到了就要疯狂号哭。跟她说看到了就捂上眼睛就不怕了,不行,捂上了还要从手指缝里偷瞧,一边瞧一边哭。




Tuesday, May 17, 2005


周日去植物园。在food court排队买吃的。等我买回来,AMY爸得意的说,咱们AMY会挣钱了。然后就拿出一个QUARTER给我,说AMY游手好闲的逛了一阵子,就拿了个QUARTER回来塞到他手里。真是孝顺啊。

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Amy now knows a few colors. Blue for sure. She can spot anything blue. She can also get red right most of the time. Yellow, sometime. Purple less often. For color that she's not sure of, she'd say it's yellow or purple. :D i guess she thinks these two are confusing, so just randomly assign them.

She has a set of spoons, blue, red and purple. The blue one is hers, nobody can touch it. And for some reason the red one is mommy's. Her daddy asked her to assign the purple one to him, she refused. :p.

Now i believe likes and dislikes can be inherited, too. I like blue. I never forced this idea onto Amy, though. I always dress her in pink, red, orange etc. But she just insists she likes blue. It's just so amazing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Chick fight"

This morning when i dropped amy off, Vicki was blowing up some really fun beach balls and floats for the kids. They are having a beach theme this week. Every kids get really excited over playing all the stuff. And of course excitement would lead to troubles. When Davin picked up some really fancy blue ball, Avory got upset cuz she wanted the same one (of course!). Davin wouldn't let go. That's when Avory decided she'd teach Davin a lesson. So she bited Davin on the head. Vicki saw it and timed out Avory. It was really fun for me (blush) to watch all these kids play and fight. I think it's cute. It's even cuter when Davin came up to me and asked for a hug. She tried really hard to explain what happened to me, putting all the things that she could say in one sentence, really fast, "AVORY! ...MY HEAD! ...NO!... BAD!..." It was sooooo cute that i couldn't help kissing her.
Apparantly Avory is a repetitive offender. She's so used to time-out she didn't even cry, just sitting there. Lucia must have thought Avory is pretty lonely. So she scouted towards Avory and even let her touch her floats. The two were jiggling and poking each other. I just can't imagine how Vicki can scold these cutie pies with a straight face.

Big helper

Originally uploaded by amyzmom.

Friday, May 06, 2005


客观的说,我称不上胆色过人。但凡电视电影里面要有人缺胳膊短腿了,我就捂着眼睛问LD,怎么样了怎么样了。LD被骚扰得非常苦恼,从此过滤我可以观赏的节目,曾经一度电视新闻也被他列作我不能看的,因为有一连体婴手术的消息隔三岔五的被翻出来。That being said,我自己乐观估计着在女生中排胆识我还是可以排个top quartile的。虫子啦老鼠啦杀几个没有问题,大学宿舍里面大家看到蟑螂都是要尖叫灰灰~~~~~~的,以至于他们讲故事,把小强替换成灰灰,NND。传说级别的就是中学的时候做实验了,我们那组兔子没有被敲死呢就被解了刨,我属于那个叫嚣着,“没事没事,它死了,切吧切吧”的。

这么一来,有了孩子,作为一个典型的first time mom,自然就要预测一下她的胆识,她爸爸的童年翻出来,不错不错,还有率领小朋友集体逃幼儿园去看大吊车的英雄事迹,我保守的说,这个丫头,排在50%这个percentile这个可能性应该不低。




先是狗,很小很小的那种狗,跟耗子似的,离着大概还有20米她就开始紧张,试探性的嘀咕一下,汪汪!汪汪!那意思,我认得你我认得你,不用再介绍了,白白了您呐好不好?然后就躲在我身子后面看,眼见着人家没有要走的意思,反而越来越近,就开始哼哼唧唧,mommy mommy汪汪汪5555555…..不等我有反应立刻攥着我的手指头要拉着一起逃命的干活。



走 到半路,小人指着一朵花,委委屈屈的开始抽抽哒哒,花~~~花花草草都可以哭一顿,妈妈眼前飞过三个娇娇弱弱的繁体字,林~妹~妹~,吓得不轻,不行不行 这样怎么可以,50%percentile我们奋斗不上,赖好也要混个4th quartile吧?按按怒火,开始唐门法则,怕怕啊?怕怕不要紧,谁都怕怕,妈妈也怕怕,爸爸也怕怕,AVORY也怕怕,DAVIN也怕怕,(此处省掉 5分钟的字)...怕怕是正常的,不怕怕才是不正常的。问题是,我们要怎么对待这个怕怕,我们要战略上藐视,战术上重视,敌进我退,敌疲我打,这个精神你 领会了吧?来,比如说,花花,花花不可怕,花花是pretty的,花花秋天还会结果果,yummy yummy......LD在旁边插嘴,你这是什么汗什么?!不管不管,来,你看,你摸摸花花它不咬人,你来摸摸就不怕怕了 ~NONONONONONONO...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我们唐门的,不怕,唐完了这段儿唐下段儿,今天唐过了唐明天~




Wednesday, May 04, 2005


洗澡前一起念书,念到“走跑跳滑”,小人指着图片说,“READY?GOOOOOOO!”汉译英都出来了。。。我连忙鼓励下,“对,GO GO GO”。小人咽下一口奶,慌张的补充道,GO,LET GO!