Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Chick fight"

This morning when i dropped amy off, Vicki was blowing up some really fun beach balls and floats for the kids. They are having a beach theme this week. Every kids get really excited over playing all the stuff. And of course excitement would lead to troubles. When Davin picked up some really fancy blue ball, Avory got upset cuz she wanted the same one (of course!). Davin wouldn't let go. That's when Avory decided she'd teach Davin a lesson. So she bited Davin on the head. Vicki saw it and timed out Avory. It was really fun for me (blush) to watch all these kids play and fight. I think it's cute. It's even cuter when Davin came up to me and asked for a hug. She tried really hard to explain what happened to me, putting all the things that she could say in one sentence, really fast, "AVORY! ...MY HEAD! ...NO!... BAD!..." It was sooooo cute that i couldn't help kissing her.
Apparantly Avory is a repetitive offender. She's so used to time-out she didn't even cry, just sitting there. Lucia must have thought Avory is pretty lonely. So she scouted towards Avory and even let her touch her floats. The two were jiggling and poking each other. I just can't imagine how Vicki can scold these cutie pies with a straight face.

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