Friday, January 14, 2005

Still adjusting, cold, and nickname for granny

It's already the 2nd week for amy to go to the young toddler room. She still crys furiously when i left. Even though she's happy most of the day, it still breaks my heart every mornting when she trys really hard to claw onto me. This morning she even refused to left home. Sigh. How i miss the day when she wanted to push me out of the door!

What makes it worse is that there is this bad cold going around the young toddler room. 7-8 out of 14 kids had been call in sick. Amy of course wouldn't be left out. She didn't have a fever so far (knock on wood really really hard). But the bad cough and runny nose has made her really uncomfortable.

Amy had a lot of fun with grandparents. She even made up a "nickname" for granny. Granny in Chinese is really hard to pronounciate. So she just kept calling my mom socks in chinese. I have no idea why.

New semester just starts. I hope i can keep up with this blog. at least once a week.

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