Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fact VS. Opinion

Mommy, I am 6 year old, is that a fact or is that an opinion?
huh? ---完全是条件反射的敷衍应承

I said, I am 6 year old, is that a fact or is that an opinion? Fact is the truth, opinion is not!
呃。。。你这个解释对么?  --- 我就够敢说的了,也经常被她唬的一愣一愣的

OF COURSE! Fact is the truth, opinion is not, THAT IS A FACT!
好,你牛掰,that is a fact, OK? ---为求及早脱身,置小盆友的英语以及品质教育完全于度外,爱谁谁~

Ask me something, ask me something, I'll show you! --- 被失职马迷训练得,已经自成体系随便一出手就是跟你没完没了的路数
妈妈不用你show耶。。。你说的都是对的,好不好~  --- 求求你了~~~~~

ASK ME SOMETHING, PLEASE~~~~~~  ---连马迷的台词都抢走了。

Alright Alright! 嗯。。。。 Dinner cooked by mommy is YUMMY!

Mommy is NICE
OPINION  --- OUCH!!!!!!

Amy is pretty
FACT!!!!!  --- ......